Hosting di Bluehost down sebentar

Sekitar 10 Menit yang lalu Beberapa web saya yang hosting di Bluehost tidak bisa diakses, Blank. Tapi masih bisa masuk ke Cpanel. Sepertinya ada masalah dengan Bluehost, ketika saya cek di :

Enter the cPanel username (or domain name without ‘www.’) of the account you want to view the status of: (remove this server from list)

Primary domain: ***.com

Server Load:  2009-06-08 09:14:08: Box under heavy load — you may experience degraded system performance

Services: 2009-06-08 09:14:08: Our technician is currently investigating a server problem. The source of this problem is unknown at this time. The duration of assessing this is approximately 15 to 45 minutes.For more information you may search the knowledgebase at http://HELPDESK.BLUEHOST.COM for the words ‘Investigating Performance’

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Tapi Saat ini, alhamdulilah sudah OK : Server Load: 2009-06-08 09:32:31: Box under heavy load — you may experience degraded system performance. Services: no known issues: status ok.

Terima Kasih Bluehost 🙂
